We specialize in providing complete travel arrangements for individual, group, and corporate travelers.
Lots of companies can help you arrange a vacation. It can even be done at several faceless “dot com” sites.
But JRE feels that people shouldn’t have to sacrifice service for the convenience of booking travel electronically. We offer both!
Too often, internet users become just another e-mail address. Not at JRE. We’re a travel consultant agency like you’d find in an office, but we’re “wired” to the convenience of the internet.
Our unique solution provides you with rare insights to create the perfect total travel experience.
We provide choices for venues, decor, menu options, and referrals to vendors.
Our unique solution provides you with rare insights to create the perfect total travel experience.
JRE specialize in a variety of different travel needs:
Travel Reservations
Family Vacations
Sports & Adventure Travel
Group Travel
Special Interest Groups
Small Business Travel
Incentive Trips
Customized Trips
Recognizing a travel experience should be memorable and everyone has their own unique needs and budgets; we can customize any package to accommodate your specific requests.
We invite you to call or email us travel@jroseent.com to schedule your 30 minute complimentary consultation.